UI builder framework for FHEM — http://fhem.de/fhem.html
with a clear intention: Keep it short and simple!
Version 3
FTUI 3 uses Web Components technologies in pure ES2020 javascript.
- This version is not compatible with older fhem-tablet-ui versions.
- This version is under construction.

- copy the folder www/ftui to your FHEM www (e.g.: /opt/fhem/www/ftui)
wget https://github.com/knowthelist/ftui/tarball/master -O /tmp/ftui.tar
cd /tmp && tar xvzf /tmp/ftui.tar
mv /tmp/knowthelist-ftui-*/www/ftui /opt/fhem/www
- change the example page ‘index.html’ according your needs
- to open your new page call http://<fhem-url>:8083/fhem/ftui/index.html
update all https://raw.githubusercontent.com/knowthelist/ftui/master/controls_ftui.txt
on the FHEM command field of FHEMWEB
Clone the git project in your home directory and link the www/ftui folder into FHEM’s www
git clone https://github.com/knowthelist/ftui.git
ln -s $HOME/ftui/www/ftui /opt/fhem/www/ftui_dev
You can also host FTUI on your own web server running in a docker container instead of via FHEMWEB.
- Pull the docker image:
docker pull knowthelist/ftui
- Place your index.html somewhere where you can use it as a volume for docker.
- Put the fhemweb_url into the head of the index.html:
- <b>Run</b> the container:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v <path>/index.html:/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html --name ftui3 knowthelist/ftui
- Open your FHEM Tablet-UI on any browser in your network:
Just add some of the FTUI web components to your HTML code
<ftui-button (value)="dummy1">on/off</ftui-button>
<ftui-label [text]="dummy1"></ftui-label>
[name]="dummy1 | map('on: lightbulb-on, off: lightbulb')"
[color]="ftuitest | step('0: success, 50: warning, 80: danger')">
- no binding - fix value
Input binding
- Property binding:
To bind a FHEM reading to a property of an element. Changes of the reading changes the property
short format
The short format uses square brackets.
<ftui-label [color]="dummy1:color">demo</ftui-label>
The FHEM reading is given as follow:
DEVICE is the name of the FHEM device e.g. lamp1 or WeatherLocal
READING is the name of the reading e.g. state or temperature (default: STATE)
PROPERTY is the property of the reading. Possible are: value, time, update, invalid (default: value)
value - the value of the reading in fHEM
time - the timestamp of the reading in FHEM
update - update timestamp in FTUIN
invalid - is true if the reading doesn't exist in FHEM (anymore)
Example to show the timestamp of a reading
<ftui-label [text]="WeatherLocal:state:time | toDate() | format('mm:ss')"></ftui-label>
- Attribute binding:
Attribute binding helps you to set values for attributes directly.
<ftui-label [attr.data-my]="dummy1:status">demo</ftui-label>
Output binding
on attribute changes set the FHEM reading
short format
<ftui-button (value)="dummy1"></ftui-button>
Two way binding
short syntax ("banana in a box")
<ftui-button [(value)]="dummy1"></ftui-button>
Local binding
The device name 'local' is a reserved name for binding which keeps local on client and is not synced with FHEM
<link href="themes/mobile-dark-theme.css" rel="stylesheet"
ftui-binding [disabled]="local:dark">
- local:dark FTUI sets this to true if the OS switches to dark mode
Some components provide events on attribute change.
The $event object provides the parameter 'detail' that containing the changed property.
<ftui-colorpicker @color-change="console.log($event.detail.hexString)"></ftui-colorpicker>
<ftui-dropdown [list]="ftuitest:list" [(value)]="ftuitest" @value-change="console.log($event.detail)"></ftui-dropdown>
This can be used to communicate between components.
Binding values can be pushed through piped functions to change the value. Following pipe functions are currently available:
- part(number)
- toDate(string)
- toBool(string|number)
- toInt(number)
- format(string)
- round(number)
- add(number)
- multiply(number)
- divide(number)
- replace(find, replace)
- map('in1:out1,in2:out2,...')
- step('1:ok,6:warning,10:alert')
- scale(minIn, maxIn, minOut, maxOut)
Example for input (FHEM reading -> function() -> HTML attribute):
<ftui-label [text]="WeatherLocal:state | part(4) | toInt() | multiply(2) | round(1) "></ftui-label>
Example for output (HTML attribute -> function() -> FHEM reading):
<ftui-colorpicker (hex)="replace('#','') | HUEDevice6:rgb"></ftui-colorpicker>
There are fixed theme colors that are defined as color names.
Main colors:
- primary
- secondary
- light
- medium
- dark
Result colors:
- success
- warning
- danger
Spectrum colors:
- red
- orange
- yellow
- green
- blue
- violet
State colors:
- ok
- warning
- error
Others colors:
- white
- black
- gray
- brown
- grid
- translucent
- Tab
- Grid
- Circlemenu
- Row
- Column
- Cell
- View, ViewStage, ViewSection, ViewItem
- Swiper
- [Label](#label)
- Icon
- [Button](#button)
- SegmentedButton
- Knob
- Slider
- Checkbox
- Weather
- Dropdown
- Colorpicker
- [Image](#image)
- [Badge](#badge)
- Clock
- [Chart](#chart)
- Medialist
- [Speak](#speak)
... to be continued
All components has following attributes
- hidden
- disabled
- readonly
- margin
- padding
## Mobile UI
A user interface for mobile phones can be implemented with ftui-view.

## Button
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| color |The color to use from color palette.|"primary" \| "secondary" \| "success" \| "warning" \| "danger" \| "light" \| "medium" \| "dark"
| "primary"
| fill |.|"clear" \| "outline" \| "solid"
| "solid"
| size |.|"small" \| "normal" \| "large"
| "normal"
| shape |.|"round" \| "normal" \| "circle"
| "normal"
| value |.|String| "off"
| states |.|String list comma separated| "on,off"
## Label
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Example|
| text |The text to show.|String| ""
| color |The color to use from color palette.|"primary" \| "secondary" \| "success" \| "warning" \| "danger" \| "light" \| "medium" \| "dark"
| ""
| unit |The unit which should be displayed after the value.|String| ""
| interval |Reloading every x secondes.|Number| 0
| size |Size of font.|Number\|String| 0
| 3
#### size
If size is specified as number only it get mapped to following values
| size | font-size |
|-4 | 0.125em|
|-3 | 0.25em |
|-2 | 0.5em|
|-1 | 0.75em|
|0 | 1em|
|1 | 1.25em|
|2 | 1.5em|
|3 | 1.75em|
|4 | 2em|
|5 | 2.5em|
|6 | 3em|
|7 | 3.5em|
|8 | 4em|
|9 | 5em|
|10 | 10em|
|11 | 11em|
|12 | 12em|
size property can also specified as %, px or em as a string.
e.g. size="80%" or size="12px"
## Image
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| base |Front part of the URL.|String| ""
| src |Image part of the URL or full URL.|String| ""
| width |Force a certain image width.|Number \| "auto"</code>| "auto"
| height |Force a certain image height.|Number \| "auto"| "auto"
| interval |Reloading every x secondes.|Number| 0
| refresh |Changes of this attribute triggers a reload.|String list comma separated| ""
| nocache |Bypass cache on next reload.|Boolean| false
## Badge
Badges can be used as a notification that contain a number or other characters. They show that there are additional items associated with an element and indicate how many items there are.
The element disappears if the value is 0 or empty.
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| color |The color to use from color palette.|"primary" \| "secondary" \| "success" \| "warning" \| "danger" \| "light" \| "medium" \| "dark"
| "primary"
| text |Text to display inside.|String| ""
## Speak
Speak uses the browser's Web Speech API to synthesize text to speech.
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| lang |Language of the utterance.|"en-US" \| "de-DE"
| the user-agent default |
| pitch |Pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at.|Float| 0.9
| rate |Speed at which the utterance will be spoken at.|Float| 1.0
| volume |Volume that the utterance will be spoken at.|Float| 1.0
| text |Text that will be synthesized when the utterance is spoken.|String| ""
... to be continued
## Colorpicker
Colorpicker allows to change a color value in many different ways. Work with colors in hex and HSL
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| hex |The color value in RBG hex in this format: #ffffff |String| ""
| hue |The hue value of the color form 0 to 360.|Number| ""
| saturation |The saturation value of the color form 0 to 100.|Number| ""
| brightness |The brightness value of the color form 0 to 100.|Number| ""
... to be continued
## Chart
The Chart component uses [Chart.js](https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/) to render charts.
Chart Types are:
- Line chart
- Bar chart
- Radar chart
- Doughnut and Pie chart
- Polar chart
- Bubble chart
- Area chart
or mixed types
style variables:
Main component: **ftui-chart**
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| title ||String| ""
| type||String| "line"
| width||String| ""
| height||String| ""
| unit||String| "day"
| offset||Number| 0
| prefetch||Number| 0
| extend||Boolean| false
| noscale||Boolean| false
| no-y||Boolean| false
| no-y1||Boolean| false
| no-x||Boolean| false
| y-min||Number| 0
| y1-min||Number| 0
| y-max||Number| 0
| y1-max||Number| 0
| y-label||String| ""
| y1-label||String| ""
Child component: **ftui-chart-data**
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| label ||String| ""
| type||String| "line"
| fill||Boolean| false
| hidden||Boolean| false
| point-background-color||Color| primaryColor
| background-color||Color| ""
| border-color||Color| primaryColor
| border-width||Number| 1.2,
| point-radius||Number| 2
| title ||String| "-"
| log ||String| "-"
| file ||String| "-"
| spec ||String| "4:.*"
| unit ||String| "°C"
| start-date ||Date| ""
| end-date ||Date| ""
| prefetch ||Number| 0
| extend||Boolean| false
| update||String| ""
| tension ||Number| 0.0
| stepped||Boolean| false
| offset ||Number| 0
| y-axis-id ||Number| 0
Child component: ftui-chart-control
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| unit ||String| ""
| units||Strings| ""
| start-date||Date| ""
| end-date||Date| ""
Example for DbLog
<ftui-chart-data fill
### Icon
[List of all icons](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/icons/demo.html)
Here is the updated "Icon" section in the README.md file:
## Icon
The `Icon` component supports the following properties:
* `type`: The type of icon to display.
* `path`: The path to the icon file.
* `size`: The size of the icon.
* `name`: The name of the icon.
* `color`: The color of the icon.
* `rgb`: The RGB value of the icon color.
* `height`: The height of the icon.
* `width`: The width of the icon.
* `top`: The top margin of the icon.
* `left`: The left margin of the icon.
* `bottom`: The bottom margin of the icon.
* `right`: The right margin of the icon.
* `rotate`: The rotation of the icon, in degrees. Defaults to 0.
Here is an example of how to use the `Icon` component:
#### size
If size is specified as number only it get mapped to following values
| size | font-size |
|-4 | 0.125em|
|-3 | 0.25em |
|-2 | 0.5em|
|-1 | 0.75em|
|0 | 1em|
|1 | 1.25em|
|2 | 1.5em|
|3 | 1.75em|
|4 | 2em|
|5 | 2.5em|
|6 | 3em|
|7 | 3.5em|
|8 | 4em|
|9 | 5em|
|10 | 10em|
|11 | 11em|
|12 | 12em|
size property can also specified as %, px or em as a string.
e.g. size="80%" or size="12px"
### Layout
Alignment and margins can be changed by the attributes
- align-item (top, bottom, left, right, center, around, stretch)
- margin
- padding
- [Tab](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/tab.html)
- [Grid](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/grid.html)
- [Label](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/label.html)
- [Icon](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/icon.html)
- [Button](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/button.html)
- [Knob](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/knob.html)
- [Slider](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/slider.html)
- [Checkbox](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/checkbox.html)
- [Circlemenu](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/circlemenu.html)
- [Departure](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/departure.html)
- [Dropdown](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/dropdown.html)
- [Colorpicker](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/colorpicker.html)
- [Image](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/image.html)
- [Badge](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/badge.html)
- [Speak](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/speak.html)
- [Chart](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/chart.html)
- [Popup](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/popup.html)
- [View](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/mobile_plain.html)
- [Swiper](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/swiper.html)
- [SegmentedButton](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/segment.html)
- [Medialist](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/medialist.html)
- [Colors](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/colors.html)
- [Themes](https://knowthelist.github.io/ftui/www/ftui/examples/themes.html)
You can thank the creator of this versatile UI:
Many many thanks to all donators!
This project is licensed under [MIT](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).